Posted by athirah

actual plan is to put some edited picture as a credit for their 3ard anniversary..
but the picture haven't finish...
i will re-post this entry when it finish...TQ

Is he........????? [Junsu version]  

Posted by athirah

Let's start with the eldest..KIM JUNSU.
[specially dedicated to my hoobae Suha]

Here a few capture from 2PM WILD BUNNY. Back in the old days when there is still 7 of them.
Anyway, for those who haven't watch this show they had the task to show a different image of them by a given themes for 2PM PHOTO EXHIBITION. The first themes is Sexy and the second themes is Another Me. And for Junsu he tried to imitate JOKER for the first theme..."WHY SO SERIOUS??"


For the second theme..ANOTHER ME. He goes for the futuristic image....



Yupe..he is the same cool guy Jun.K

Are they...........?????  

Posted by athirah

No doubt that 2PM has its own charm that can easily attract new fan immediately.
Recently, a few of my friend has become Hottest.
One of my Hoobae is totally fall for with Junsu..she even made Junsu picture as her facebook profile picture..[ unnie rite Suha???? ..hiihi]
Another close friend of my confess that she love 2PM in her FB status..after she watch WGM. and she said she like Taecyeon.
Yess..!!! finally, i have someone to share about my love-forever-never-ending-obsession 2PM with.
Before this,i'm alone. My brother who the one who responsible introduce me to 2PM when they first debut..unfortunately is no fun talking about them with him. WHY?? because he a guy. He will get annoyed when i keep saying..."OMG they so handsome, He so cute.."
Then, now is only me and my friend Ecah. But Ecah is VIP not Hottest. But still we can share things and keep talking about kpop [since only two of us is crazy over KPOP. and whenever we start talking, others will like "oohh..no, they start again..KPOP..KPOP.."

Ok back to the main topic.
2PM always showing his manly, beastly, handsome side of them,
which can easily made the girls melt.
Don't tell me that u hate it when they rip their shirt???
we seen many of their hunk picture,
but for this time, i'm gonna made something a little bit different. 
Showing a different side of them..
I will posted a photo or a capture from video that showed a different 2PM.
Maybe u have seen  the picture, or maybe you haven't. 
Only for fun Hottest...

THEY COMING...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Posted by athirah




27 NOVEMBER 2011..

Could it be my greatest birthday present??? could it be?? could it be???


Can i go see them for real?? Live???? PLEEEZZZZZZ...................

2PM 2nd Japanese Single I'm Your Man  

Posted by athirah


feeling like screaming my heart out,
another 선물( present) from 2PM.
even though the only had their Hands Up goodbye stage a few day ago,
and the sensation for HANDS UP is not yet over for me..
they came up with the new MV...

today 30/7/2011
2PM 2nd Japanese Single 
I'M YOUR MAN is out..!!!!!!

2PM 최고..!!!!!
check out the video.
they look great, handsome.. in black suit.

love their necktie dance [which i thought it was a stick when watching the teaser. if it is a stick, it reminds me to Rain in Rainism]

and also very interesting when the flipping back of their 'coat'[it that we call it??]

 well the favorite for  this new MV is the mangnea..CHANGSUNG...멋지다..
reason??? you know when you watch the video..
i bet all th Hottest would agree..!!!

 check out the video.


Posted by athirah


what  else should i say??? to show that how happy i am..
my resident area got wi-fi..
U will feel it is quite common or normal if u are in a city..
but not for me....i in village area..small town.
now i can online for FREEEEEEEE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now i feel really worth it moving from big town to small fishing town.
I started to feel that i am quite lucky enough to have a chance living here.
I got free Wi-fi, i got a-few-really-cool-new-friends, 
i got on of the world's beautiful island nearby..and got a lot of tourist around (which i always dream that the boyz 2PM n 2AM would be one of them..and i just suddenly bump into them..)
and....what else.....can't list it all here
coz i just wan to say


yorumee + family =kpop (part 1)  

Posted by athirah

Based on the tittle equation, people must interpret that my whole family is a big fan of KPOP.
but that's not quite true.
i made up the equation because want to tell how kpop thingy revolve around my family. 
Actually i had the idea to write about this when i am on the way to go to work with my dad [which i called ABAH]
like always, we had a little chat. talking about a lot of stuff. even sometimes, talking back about my mom [which i called UMI].....but lastly i always end up telling it back to Umi.
Today, there is a song playing on the radio. It was a Malay song, but kinda of KPOP style. 
My Abah and i talk about how people try to have a kpop style in their songs and appearance.
We both had the same opinion. it's okay to make a song like kpop style, but not the appearance. sometimes they overdid it. and its totally not suitable. makes people feel annoyed with it. 
but that's not the main point, coz i had already talked about it HERE.
The main things that i wanna tell is that, when my Abah suddenly said,
" those korean singer doin great with their own style, did not overreact. they only moving their knee when dancing, but it;s looks cool, even i enjoy to watch it."

upppppssss...!!! and i was like: who's that?? who's that??? [monolog]
i asked my abah "where do u watch it??"
and he said " i watch it on TV recently.."
i asked again, coz i am tooo eager to know who is my abah talking about?? " how they dance?"
you didn't not expect my abah to show it rite?? coz i also didn't expect him to dance and plus he was driving..but he replied " u know just by moving knee..and they put their hand in their pocket..."
TADAAAAA!!!!!!! i know who is my Abah talking about....
it's BEAST....their dance in FICTION.
hahahahaha...can't believe BEAST able to grab my dad's attention....

i am quite surprise when my Abah tell me that. I know he does not listen to any Kpop song, and the things he know about kpop is:

  • Kpop is what his-one-and-only-daughter(that's me) really like. 
  • Kpop songs is what his-one-and-only-daughter always listen to.
  • Kpop is the things that can gather all of his two son and daughter together in one place without fighting, but spending several hour in front of laptop and laughing (watching variety show)
  • Kpop is the main cause for the increasing of our house electrical bills.
  • And the only Kpop song he know is Wonder Girls Nobody. only the "..nobody..nobody but you.." part....
that's the story about my dad and the "knee dance"...waited for another version with another family members..annyeong..goodbye..

picture taken from

Favourite Maknea Solo Debut...  

Posted by athirah

wow...around of applause for our favorite maknea Jung Jin Woon for his upcoming solo debut.
it is too early?? no..applause to give support for him...
and if it turns up good, standing ovation will be given to Jin Woon.

For his upcoming solo debut, Jinwoon has opened up his official webpage :::JEONG JIN WOON::

Can't wait to see his solo debut, which goin to be schedule on 31 JULY performing at Jisan Valley Rock Festival 2011...yeppppiiii.
Eager to see Jinwoon perform in a rock band [even though i don't really like rock band]
Although he is in Ballad group, but his passion more to rock. he use to have a rock band during his high school time and dream to become rock singer since he was a kid. He keeps practicing playing instruments like bass, guitar and drum.
Hard work paid....SOLO DEBUT. good luck for our maknea Jiwoon...

silent doesn't mean lost  

Posted by athirah

hehehe....its quite a time i haven't updated this very-not-popular- blog
have to consider a few things before spent time posting in this blog,

  1. time that i have: definitely busy with my internship. it is almost end of my "services" here in the company. i busy preparing for my lecture evaluation and also the full report that need to be sent.
  2. recently, i received a few Korean drama [which some of it, i waited for soooo long to watch it], so i spent more time watching those drama. that's the reason i didn't continue the Dream High review...
  3. busy keeping up with 2PM performances..INKIGAYO, MUSIC BANK, and others...have to catch it..can't miss it.
those are the excuses that i made...i know none of it is important.
i wrote this because i have no idea what to write today...

well see you in another entry......annyeong 안녕
my cat cipang just delivered 3 kittens..unfortunately only 2 survive...now i have 2 kittens...
and i am sooooo happy....

Jo Kwon tweets photos after 2AM's Inkigayo Performance.....  

Posted by athirah

On July 17th, 2AM’s Jo Kwon uploaded two photos taken between breaks from performing for a special stage on SBS’s Inkigayo together with the tweet, “Today’s stage was so much fun~!”
In the first photo, Jo Kwon is seen posing with 2AM’s Seulong and 2PM’s Wooyoung in front of a waiting room door which, according to the sign, is used by both 2AM and 2PM. In the second photo, 2AM’s Jinwoon is posing with a table full of delicious foods.

Fans responded with comments like, “You guys are so cute!”, “One day!!”, and “Jinwoon oppa you’re so cute even when you’re eating!”.

source: allkpop


Posted by athirah

if u like something very much,
you wouldn't mind repeating the same thing over and over again,
for me, i don't know how many times i keep repeating watching HANDS UP mv.
until i realized there is a weird thing in that video....

i bet you did notice the white horse head rite???

but...do you notice this green man???

i still remember watching one of Jim Carrey's movie when i was a kid..
he wearing this kind of mask too...THE MASK [i guess that the tittle]
hehehehe...sooo funny..

Like a Movie 영화처럼  

Posted by athirah

when i watching this video...
i nearly had a jaw cramp...haha..kidding...
but my mouth keep open,
maybe because two things

  1. First time watching this kind of performance by 2PM
  2. Because i am sooooooo jealous..hahaha
Like a Movie by 2PM...another goin-to-be-my-favourite-song from their 2nd album Hands Up.

dudup..dudup..dudup....can you feel my heartbeat???
erk...wrong song, but that's how my heart beating..

here the reason i nearly had a jaw cramp...






unfortunately for Taecyeon...no partner for him..
however he came out for the side of the stage with a cool rapping verse

a sweet ending pose by Jun.K.............i like..how bout you???

V- sign BUDDY  

Posted by athirah

I believe that you all do notice the V sign choreography for 2PM Japanese Single TAKE OFF
during "BUDDY"..plus specially zoom on Junho during the v-sign...

the V-sign syndrome also happen in the 2PM Hands Up...
i bet you notice it rite??

Not my wedding  

Posted by athirah

Yesterday i attend my friend's wedding..
we went to the same primary school..
it is feel weird when your same age friends already married..
but you still writing a blog about your favorite idol..
and smiling by yourself in front of your laptop..
but YUP...THAT'S ME...definitely not yet ready to be someone wife..
but sooner or later i will..

anyway congratulations to my friends..
we also had our little reunion during the wedding..
meeting all your long-time-no see- friends
such a sweet memory....

Thumbs Up for Hands Up...  

Posted by athirah

Earlier today, 2PM finally released their long-awaited second album, “Hands Up“. The boys had already been sweeping search portals before its release, and they’re now sweeping the live music charts!
2PM were known for their brooding, sorrowful songs about heartbreaks and lost love, but they’ve decided to put that image aside this time with something more edgy and stylish to better fit the party atmosphere of summer. Fans have nicknamed it the ‘upgraded version’ of their debut track, “10 Points out of 10“.
“Hands Up” is noted for being the first ever ‘club style’ track from the boys, and it features a strong electronic sound with an addictive beat. From start to finish, the song showcases 2PM’s charms to their fullest potential, and Sohee’s narration makes for a fun additional effect.
Aside from the title track, the album features a slew of other refreshing tracks like Junho and Junsu’s self-composed songs, “Give It to Me” and “Hot“.

2PM will be making their comeback on June 24th through KBS’s “Music Bank.” Are you ready to play with 2PM under the sun? Everyone put your hands up!  And get your drinks up!


2PM Show  

Posted by athirah

Popular boy group 2PM will star in a new variety program to go along with their upcoming comeback!
Starting in July, “2PM Show“ will broadcast on SBS’s E!TV cable channel with all six members, and it will mark the first time 2PM emcees a program with their name on it.
SBS E!TV’s PD Kim Yong Kyu expressed great anticipation for the show, as he stated, “The key point is that all of the members will be included in the show. 2PM is showing great enthusiasm for the program, especially because the show will require the members to fulfill missions given to them by the viewers.
“2PM Show” will heavily rely on social networking sites to communicate with fans and netizens alike. Currently, producers are utilizing the official “2PM Show”Twitter website to ask survey questions such as “Which member seems to have the least perseverance?”, “Who is most likely to be the best father in the future?”, “Who is most likely to get married first?“, and more.
PD Kim commented further by saying, “We will not only focus on 2PM’s younger fan base, but also on their growing 20-to-40 year old fan base as well. The program will concentrate on unlikely mission topics like ‘Be a father for a day’ to appeal to a larger audience. 2PM will distance themselves from their ‘beastly idol’ image and will even take on a cooking mission as well.
2PM previously starred in cable shows like “Wild Bunny” and “Idol Army Season 3” during their rookie years. However, after their rise in popularity, it is rare for all the 2PM members to appear on a single show together. As such, fans are showing fervent support for the show, especially because of the busy overseas and individual schedules the members had to endure until now.
Regarding 2PM’s busy schedule, PD Kim replied, “The members have shown an interest in having a show with their own name before. It is true that 2PM has a tight schedule, but the members have a strong desire to carry out the program, so I do not expect members to pull out midway through.
The members are hoping that their program will gain the same love and popularity that idol group SMAP managed to have with their program “SMAPxSMAP” in Japan.
The first recording for “2PM Show” will start on June 16th and the time slot is yet to be determined.


source: allkpop, picture

Rock Mangnea  

Posted by athirah

2AM’s youngest member Jinwoon is finally achieving his childhood dream of becoming a rock star.
Producer Bang Shi Hyuk revealed yesterday on Big Hit Entertainment’s website that Jinwoon would be releasing his first solo album, and that his debut performance will be held at the Jisan Valley Rock Festival.
Upon hearing the news fans commented, “Jung Jinwoon’s rock festival stage, I’m so looking forward to it.”
Bang Shi Hyuk will also be working on a new 2AM album, in addition to future solo projects from 2AM’s Changmin and 8Eight’s Lee Hyun.


Changmin and Nickhun sweat it out at gym  

Posted by athirah

2AM’s Changmin and 2PM’s Nichkhun are sweating it out at the gym from early in the morning!
On June 14th, a picture of the two singers at the gym was uploaded onto Changmin’s Twitter.
He wrote, “Working out at the gym at dawn is my thing, but Nichkhun decided to make an appearance!” He also directed a comment towards the 2PM member, “Why are you always behind me when you already have such a small face!”
Fans left comments such as, “Changmin oppa is getting more handsome” and “In my eyes he’s even better looking than Nichkhun”.
Meanwhile, Changmin is currently busy practicing for his performances on the show “Immortal Song 2“.

This picture remind me for another cute and funny picture of Changmin and Nickhun...
  Changmin look like an alien......

source: allkpop

Dream High Review Episode 2  

Posted by athirah

 Dreaming for second episode....
well of course my favourite scenes would be,
during Jin Gook watched Jason dancing during the audition...
it really suited with Ne-yo's song One in a million...
 i wish i can  upload the video here..
but i can't coz the line i'm using has block the adding video...

Next, during Hye-Mi want to escape from the loan shark after she failed the audition for entering Kirin Art School.
She is so desperately need to escape, so she ask some one to give her a ride out from that school.
Unknowingly that person is Jin Gook. 
Because of the ego, she suddenly pretend that she did not asked for that ride.
 Jin Gook offer her for a ride after he notice the loan shark waiting for Hye Mi. 
But the Hye Mi still refuse it..
Jin Gook said..."i won't ask twice"
.........then suddenly........

 She ride it..
what i like the most is their expression..
i totally like Hye Mi at this time..
she is desperately need to go, but she still want to maintain her ego..
i laugh so hard..HAHAHAHA..
Hye Mi...soooo cute.

Hands Up Teaser  

Posted by athirah

SOME PLEZZ UPLOAD IT IN FB @ VIMEO [coz i can only watch through it]

Dream High Review Episode 1  

Posted by athirah

Dream High first episode..
i will not do a review for the whole episode,
but i will just review my favorite scenes in that episode.
how i know that particular scenes is my favorite.
its easy...
i will keep repeating that scenes for a few times...

so, here the first one...
when Jin Gook save Hye Mi from the loan shark
he is really moetjin namja (cool guy) during this time..

especially this one...

Next of course this one..
for Hottest you guys definitely know the line for the scenes below..



 Thanks miss Sushi!!!


Dream High Review Synopsis  

Posted by athirah

Its DREAM HIGH time......!!!!!!
okay..starting from today, i will makes a review for Dream High.
Ya...i know its quite late..but my blog is still new..
and as a HOTTEST..reviewing Dream High through FAN perspective is important...rite??
so, then if anyone interested, you can add your own comment or idea..
sharing is caring...plus it will be more fun rite??

so, before start with the each episode review,
i will start with the synopsis first...


Six students at Kirin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars in the Korean music industry. During the drama, the students learn how to develop their singing, songwriting and dancing skills while also undergoing personal growth. Each one of the students have their own strength and their own weaknesses, but with the support and guidance of each other, they strive to debut on stage.


  • Kim Soo-Hyun as Song Sam Dong
Song Sam Dong is a country boy who follows Hye Mi to Seoul after falling in love with her. He has an exceptional musical aptitude, able to play chords without knowing what chords are, but he is naive and has a hearing problem. Sam Dong is in love with Hye Mi and he defends her when her schoolmates turn on her, but starts to regret all that he has done for her when he realizes Hye Mi has feelings for Jin Guk. Hye Mi gives him a make over where he transforms into a "hottie" and he gets a haircut that resembles Jin Guk's, he eventually cuts it even shorter and adds an earring. He composes the piano part for the showcase, in which he sings "Maybe" with Hye Mi. He eventually becomes a famous singer, stage name "K".

Jin Guk is a childhood friend of Go Hye Mi and he constantly tries to help her. He tries to get Hye Mi to remember their childhood memories. He excels primarily at dancing and rapping. He sings a ballad as his showcase song called "My Valentine". He is in a love triangle with Go Hye Mi and Yoon Baek Hee. After performing with Baek Hee at the music showcase, he debuts with one of Korea's top entertainment agencies as a member of a group called "Group K". After debuting, he realizes that he is in love with Hye Mi and that she is who he wishes to be with. However, Hye Mi is angry at Jin Guk because he made his debut as a solo artist when he promised that he would debut with her on the same stage. Jin Guk is also trying to deal with the fact that his father will not accept Jin Guk for who he is and is trying to force him to study in the United States. In the end Jin Guk realizes that Hye Mi is in love with Sam Dong and lets go of her. He tells her that they will always be best friends.

Go Hye Mi is the main character of this drama. Originally from a wealthy family, after her mother's death, her father's business failed and their family fell into debt. She is pursued by debt collector Ma Doo Shik and his men for much of the beginning of the drama. She meets Jin Guk when he saves her from the debt collectors. In the beginning of the story she is portrayed as a cold-hearted girl who humiliates her best friend Yoon Baek Hee in an attempt to save herself from failing an audition to Kirin Arts School. She is eventually accepted to the school as one of the director's special admittance students along with Jin Guk and Sam Dong. As her character develops throughout the story Hye Mi slowly grows into a strong, caring, and forgiving individual. Both Song Sam Dong and Jin Guk are in love with her and she has a hard time choosing between the two. Sam Dong is the one she considers more of a friend with whereas she sympathizes with Jin Guk. In the end, she chooses to be with Sam Dong as he leaves for America to become a singer.

Baek Hee is Hye Mi's best friend and sidekick at their old school, but she is betrayed by Hye Mi during the Kirin School audition. She is devastated by the betrayal and becomes Hye Mi's biggest rival. She is surprised and confused when she discovers that Hye Mi is apologetic for her actions and wants to be friends again. She has a crush on Jin Guk and is jealous of Hye Mi, who holds his attentions. She is accepted into "Group K" along with Jin Guk and Jason after the school showcase. Throughout the drama she has to deal with feelings of being second-fiddle to Hye Mi and to get her mom to accept that she wants to be a singer. She and Hye Mi make up at the end of the show.

Jason is an American exchange student who excels mainly in dancing but is also good at singing. He is courteous and has good manners, leading to misunderstandings with Pil Suk, who believes that he does this because he likes her. He originally does not like Pil Suk as much as she likes him but after his debut, their relationship is unclear. After Pil Suk tells him that he appears to have no goals in life, he realizes what his feelings are and he starts working hard so Pil Suk will like him again. He eventually begins to realize he likes Pil Suk. At first he is shy about showing his affection towards Pil Suk, but after becoming jealous he finally admits to loving Pil Suk. He is a member of "Group K" along with Jin Guk and Baek Hee.

  • IU as Kim Pil Suk
Kim Pil Suk first appears as a girl wearing a sushi mascot costume during the auditions. She is a girl with a beautiful voice but is overweight. She has a major crush on Jason, and leaves a lollipop on his locker every day. She eventually confesses to him, but he rejects her, saying that he only likes her as a friend. She vows to lose 30 kilograms in 200 days while he is away from school. She succeeds, and upon his return Jason becomes attracted to the new, skinnier, Pil Suk. The two then express their feelings for each other after both misunderstand and become jealous. After fighting and bickering with one another, they start to open up to one another.


Posted by athirah

2PM’s Junho made an explosive comment that had fangirls reeling with shock.
On June 13th, the reporters of “Good Day – Entertainment Plus” interviewed 2PM at the set of their latest beverage CF.
The segment began with Nichkhun sharing his secrets on how he sculpted his body. He shyly revealed, “I just ardently go to the gym to work out.“ Taecyeon then revealed, “Nichkhun is the type who doesn’t gain weight regardless of how much he eats. He’s been working out while eating a lot of food.”
The 2PM members were then asked what kind of CF they would like to film. Nichkhun confessed that he wants to do a Banana Milk CF, but Taecyeon smoothly interjected with, “I want to film commercials for the beverage brand we are filming for now for 100 years.
Lastly, the members were asked what they wanted to do if they had a girlfriend. Junsu considered their current beverage CF saying, “I want to go to Switzerland to drink the drink that we are making a CF for,” which brought about much laughter.
Junho, on the other hand, said, “If I get a girlfriend, I want to shower with her,” causing his group members to gasp in shock.
At least the boy knows what he wants, right?

source: allkpop